Shipping policy

How are the artworks packaged?

The works are packaged by Polishpainting and follow a standardised packaging process.

Ships in a cardboard box

(Large-size artwork with stretched/framed) item will ship flat in a sturdy, well-protected cardboard box. We ensure artworks are shipped according to our very high standards. Expect your artwork to arrive with plenty of support packaged in to make its journey as safe as possible as it travels from Polishpainting to your home.

Ships in a crate

(Small-size artwork with stretched/framed) item will ship in a wooden crate. Large artworks are shipped in a very sturdy crate that is built for shipping art. The crate will contain packaging materials that meet our strict guidelines to keep it firmly in place during its journey, and will be tightly sealed together.

Ships in a tube

(Only canvas) item will arrive rolled in a dent-resistant tube.This method is especially safe for oversized works, and provides lower shipping costs as well. Rolled works can be easily stretched (for canvas works, i.e. placed onto wooden stretcher bars) and/or framed by a local framer upon arrival. Upon immediate delivery, we highly recommend you send any works on paper directly to your framer for cautious, professional unrolling of the artwork.

How long does delivery take?

Shipping time: Generally, delivery will take 5-7 business days via FedEx, DHL, UPS, or TNT.

Creating time1-2 weeks to be hand-painted by professional artist.

Therefore, upon successful completion of your order, you should expect to receive your items within a timeframe of 14-21 business days.

Who takes care of the delivery?

Depending on the destination and the size of the work, we use delivery companies such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, or TNT, or specialist art delivery companies.

Which countries do you deliver to?

We currently only accept and deliver orders within the United States. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email [email protected]

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs are included in the price for all orders shipped within the United States, and no additional shipping fees will be charged.

Is the delivery of the artwork insured?

Absolutely! Polishpainting organises and insures the transport of the artwork. You have nothing to worry about and there are no hidden costs.

If I buy several artworks, will they be delivered at the same time?

They may be delivered at the same time (under normal circumstances).

Can I get artworks delivered to a different person?

We will deliver to the address you gave on your order. Generally we set the delivery date with the person who will receive the work and whose name you gave. If it’s a surprise or a present, let us know!